Behind the Scenes with Mark Bowe
Hey ya’ll. Who’s still star-struck from meeting the Barnwood Builders last month at the West Virginia State Fair? I know I am, and I already knew the guys – heck I even live with one of them. In case fair week didn’t quite quench your Barnwood thirst, I got some good news for you. In between his “exhibit” periods, I got a chance to sit down with the main man himself, to ask him some pertinent questions that I know you’ve been waiting to hear. So… grab yourself a pickle, take a seat, & scroll on, as Mark Bowe answers to some of our most burning questions.

Since we were at the fair, I decided to cut right to the chase, by asking:
Are you a rides kind of guy?
“I don’t like ridin’ rides, there, there, I said it. I’m a little bit embarrassed because I’d like to think that I’m kid-like on the inside, but I think I’m so kid-like that I’m afraid of them. “
Mark goes on to say, “Plus, I had a bad experience one time. It had to do with Chinese food, a carnival, and seeing the Chinese food after I’d already digested it.”
I took this time to remind him that any type of food can be hard to keep down when mixed with rollercoasters and spinning rides, and that he probably wasn’t the first one to have an accident like that.
I’m not really much of a rider either. At the fair, I tend to be more food-focused, and in an effort to keep it in my stomach I just don’t go on many rides. Since it’s really all about the food for me, I had to ask Mark about his favorite fair food. I knew it wasn’t Chinese food, but beyond that, I didn’t know that Mark Bowe likes virtually every State Fair classic. The top log though for Mark in terms of fair food is the pepperoni roll, but he also says, “You can never go wrong with a cinnamon roll, or some Ben-Ellen Donuts.” He also adds in there the gyro, which is really the best in my book, with extra sauce of course!

Wait…I can’t believe we’re already this far into an interview with the pickle guy himself and there has not been a single mention of pickles. Well, I guess that’s my cue-cumber to start dill’n out some of the sweet pickle secrets….and since we live in West Virginia I started off by asking the obvious country question, do you like fried pickles?
“I like any kind of pickles. I like fried pickles, I like pickles that are baked, I like pickles that are buttered, I’d eat a pickle anywhere.” Well, I guess that answers our question folks, fried pickles truly are a go for Mark Bowe!
Now let’s dig deep…
In terms of fried pickles, chips, or spears?
Well chips of course! Although he does say that on every other pickle occasion he prefers chilled Grillo’s spears.

Now that we’ve covered the fair basics, it’s time to get down to the critical bits, the crew.

First I had to ask since he’s been doing it for 12 plus seasons, What do you love about the show?
“I love that we get to portray West Virginia in a positive light and that all of the guys get to be highlighted for who they actually are.” What Mark loves most is that they all get to go through a very special experience together; “Very few people will ever go through the making of a TV show together.” He says that, “getting closer to the guys and getting to know the film crew has just been really special.”

Is what we, the audience see on TV, really what it’s like on the job?
“It is, I mean we’re very much the people you see on TV.” Although he does admit that they may cut out a couple of the dirtiest jokes, which, let’s be honest here, is probably for the best (????.) After all, it is a family show.
Although this interview was really about Mark, the spotlight shined on another crew member for just a moment when I asked, who has the best beard?

“Well, the best beard is Ryan. It’s full, it’s thick, it’s wavy. It’s really a good beard.” Man Mark, what a description, it sounds like you’re selling shampoo.

If you did get a chance to stop by the Barnwood trailer, you probably took a peek inside the super cool merchandise trailer that they had set up. I know I did, I even got myself some much-needed Barnwood swag. I loved the whole setup, and I wanted to know what Mark thought of it, so I asked:
What do you want the Bowetique trailer to symbolize for your business?
“I want it to symbolize a lifestyle brand so that when you see Barnwood Builders you don’t just see the guys, you also see some styles of the women who are behind the brand as well.” He describes this lifestyle brand as wanting it to be “kind of like prairie, meets barn, meets chic.” Judging from when I visited the trailer, I think he hit the wooden peg on the head. The Bowetique trailer is a cool combination of country chic and barnwood rustic.
Do you plan to take it to other events? (I know ya’ll have been wondering & I have too!)
Mark says yes, he does plan to take it to other places, including to the Healing Appalachia* concert later this month and to many other events. “I just want to bring it to these events, have fun, and let people know that we have a lifestyle brand.” (*sadly, the HA concert was canceled).

Alright y’all, since I got to ask my most prying questions, I thought I would toss in a fan favorite to tie it all up. Ready, last log!
Where is Tim?
“Tim retired.” So from the boss’s mouth to your ears, “That’s what it is. He did it without fanfare, he just called and told me, and then posted it on his Facebook page, and that was it.”
Well, I know a person can never really get their Mark Bowe fix, but I certainly tried. I hope you enjoyed this interview as much as I did. I hope y’all have a Bowedacious day!

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