Why don’t I see Barnwood Builders on your website?
First of all, thank you for watching! The name “Barnwood Builders” is the creative property of DIY Network. Our company name “Barnwood Living” encompasses our lifestyle brand and incorporates how you know, our fans, know us!
Can I tour the Boneyard?
We love that you love what we do! Unfortunately, The Boneyard, is a working jobsite and not set up for visitors. For your safety (and the guys) we ask that you remain on the outside of the fenced in area. You can get a great glimpse of the structures that you have seen on the show as well as see that Mark and the crew are our only employees. They are one of the hardest working groups of hillbillies we know.
Will Mark come and look at a barn/structure that I have?
We are so flattered that you appreciate the expertise that Mark brings to the table through his years of experience. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer advice or consultation services at this time. It is simply more liability than our little company can absorb.
I don’t see many Johnny Jett paintings on your website. Will you be getting more?
We love us some Johnny Jett! His folk art is one of his most special talents. You can find a large selection on his website, www.johnnyjettart.com
We are planning a trip to WV to visit your store. Where should we stay and what else should we do?
We are so very excited that you want to make us part of your journey. The best place to find information on our beautiful community is this website www.greenbrierwv.com. It is managed by our talented convention and visitors bureau.
I’m looking for a contractor/interior designer/architect - who does Mark recommend?
Congratulations on your building adventure! We are so happy to partner with whomever you choose to partner with for your build. A project of any size is a very personal journey and we want you to work with whatever contractor, builder, designer or group of creatives that understand your vision and can bring it to life.
How do I check on the restoration services that you offer?
What a fantastic journey you are about to embark on! Unfortunately, we are not able to offer any sort of “on-site” restoration services. We are still a very small company and simply do not have the man-power/resources to offer at this time.
Can the guys make me small custom items?
Oh my goodness, thank you for asking! Unfortunately, we are keeping the guys so busy with building projects that they rarely have time to create. They all love to tinker and build but their free time is limited these days.
How do you choose projects for the show and does the network pay for those projects?
The projects that are featured on the DIY Network show are actual client builds that our company is actively involved in. The network does not actively supplement those projects. We have loved every minute that the show has offered us to share our love of pioneer era building materials and the giant upcycling projects that are created as a result of that passion.
Who cleans up the job site when cabins and barns are taken down?
That is a loaded question, lol. Each jobsite is a different story. Basically when we contract with an owner to remove a structure from their property, part of the discussion is what are their clean up expectations. Each situation has different needs. We are a small company with a core group of craftsmen whose time is best served securing those special materials and getting them ready for a new home.
What happened to Brian?
Our sweet Brian did not enjoy all of the attention that his television debut afforded him. He is a quiet and private fellow that is enjoying his retirement from the spotlight.
Does Mark really like pickles?
Oh my goodness he certainly does!!! We have no idea how many dill pickles he has consumed in his lifetime nor how many gallons of juice he has drank but I can tell you it is A LOT!
What is the difference between a cabin and a timber frame?
A pioneer log cabin, like we specialize in, features four log walls that compose the structure. Those logs will be square, and hand hewn using axes and brute strength.
A timber frame is generally found in pioneer era barn structures. The massive beams were hand hewn by our ancestors and became the focus of the working farm. It took a village to raise these behemoth beams 20 feet in the air and connect them together without a single nail.
Has Mark built his house from the PA bank barn?
The home has not been built just yet! Mark and the crew have been so busy with our clients that this build has taken a back seat. Stay tuned for updates!
Do you offer financing?
Unfortunately we as a company do not offer financing on our structures.
How can we purchase a copy of Barnwood Builders episodes?
You can find DIY Network’s Barnwood Builders on many streaming service providers. Some of which are Itunes, Amazon, Google Play, VUDU and don’t forget Discovery+ !