Meet Willow

My name is Willow Ferguson. That last name sounds familiar, right? Yes, I am the daughter of Graham Ferguson, the monkey-like Barnwood Builder who is almost always found up high.

Since birth, I have grown up among the green rolling hills of West Virginia and the calmness of the countryside. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember taking walks and frolicking among the plants and flowers of the forest with my father. I just love the coolness of the mountain breeze, and the openness of the country sky. I can’t think of a better place to live. The lush and arid hills of West Virginia are just, as they say, so wild and wonderful.

Like my father, I am a lover of nature and a country girl, at heart. I love spending time outside and in the garden. Getting my hands dirty helps keep my heart happy.
Having a Barnwood Builder for a dad is not much different than most – he’s still just dad to me. He’s the guy who tells dirty dad jokes and makes me laugh. The only difference between him now and him before, is that whenever he’s not home, he’s still right there – all I have to do is turn on the TV.
I have always loved writing, even when I was in elementary school. English class was definitely my favorite class of the day and that still remains the same today. I love how writing allows for so much creativity. It is the form of expression I enjoy the most, because it allows for so much sincerity and emotion. One tiny sentence, or even a fragment, can contain so much meaning, and spark so much feeling, just sitting on a page. Words empower. Good writing can touch the heart and make someone feel like nothing else can.

Unlike my dad, and the Barnwood Builder boys, you won’t see me on TV. Though, if you check back in, once in a while you might just hear from me right here on the Barnwood Living blog. Who knows, you might even get a sneak peek on what it’s like to live with a real live Barnwood Builder – Barnwood Living at its finest.